How To Increase Twitter Followers Instantly?

Blog followers and subscribers are very important for any online business. They are those people who help us to maintain a flow of traffic on our blog. In my earlier posts, I had discussed a trick to increase blog followers that was really appreciated by lot of my readers. And today I bring another trick to increase twitter followers quickly for free. There are lot of programs and tools available on the internet that promises to increase your twitter followers fast and free but let me aware you with a fact about those tools. You can surely gain more followers by using such programs like AddMeFast but those followers will not give you any benefit. We need targeted followers, those have interest in our niche, so that we can expect some retweets from them. Only targeted followers can help us to gain traffic from twitter. That’s why I am going to share a trick to increase targeted followers on twitter.

Increase Your Twitter Followers

Steps to Increase Your Twitter Followers

Below are some very easy steps that you have to follow to gain really targeted followers for your blog instantly.
  1. Make a list of some big blogs under your niche that have a huge list of twitter followers.

  2. Open their twitter page.

  3. Now check their followers. Below screenshot shows the twitter followers of a very popular blog MBT.

  4. twitter followers

  5. Click on FOLLOWERS link and follow their followers as many as possible.

  6. follow on twitter

  7. These are those people who have interest in your niche. Follow maximum people to gain maximum followers. There is really a cool formula on twitter that “You Follow Me, I Follow You Back!“. When we follow others, the majority of people follow us back on twitter.

  8. That’s it!

These were very simple steps to increase targeted followers on twitter.But there is a problem.
The chances are also high that people don’t follow us back. So, we have to unfollow those people who are not following us back. It’s because our followers should look naturally increased. If we don’t remove the people who are not reciprocal with us, then anyone will get to know about our trick by doing a simple comparison between the number of people we are following and the number of our followers.
You may think that:
How we can check who doesn’t follow us back?
How we will unfollow those people to make followers look natural?

Both the above questions have very simple solution.
Here we’ll use an amazing tool Tweepdash.

This online tool is very simple to use and it’s very effective to check who doesn’t follow us back. We can unfollow them very easily. Let’s check how?
  1. Sign in to Tweepdash with your twitter account.

  2. Once you log in to your account, you’ll see three columns of Celebs, Fans and Friends.

  3. Look at the first column means Celebs. They are those people who are not following you back.

  4. It’s time to unfollow them. Click on Red Cross sign to unfollow them.

  5. unfollow

  6. Now at last you’ll get really targeted followers on twitter. You can gain as many followers as you want by simply following this trick.
Final Words! This was the complete tutorial on how to increase twitter followers instantly. I hope you’ll like my trick. Please leave your valuable comments and give your feedback about this tutorial. Keep visiting this blog because I have lot of tips and tricks to share with you. Happy Blogging!

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