In my earlier post, I had discussed a smart way to promote blog posts by scheduling them for auto sharing using Buffer. If you had missed that post then I strongly recommend you to read it. And today, I’m going to share some other ways to share your blog posts after publishing them.
One of my blog readers ask me where I do sharing of my blog articles after publishing them. His question gives me an idea to write this guide. I hope you would enjoy it and found worth reading.
Bloggers fails to get and attract traffic towards their blog content because they lack with the sources where to share their posts. This lack of knowledge returns in dead blog posts without any comments and social shares.
You must take care about the places and sources to share your best articles just after hitting the publish button. Below I’m listing the best places where you should share your articles to get referral traffic and quality backlinks too
Share Your Blog Posts on These Popular Places :D
Best Places to Share Blog Content For Traffic
Get your blog quality aritcles noticed on below places:1# Facebook Groups:
You may definitely using facebook groups to promote your content. What I have noticed is that bloggers join too many facebook groups in sake to get more referral traffic. But it’s not true. If you join limited and quality groups, then you’ll get more productive results.- Join limited number of groups.
- Target Niche related groups with maximum number of members.
- Look for the active groups, joining such groups where members don’t take interest to view your posts is really a waste of time.
- Limited number of group are easy to manage, you can easily be active there. First like and comment on other’s submission and then share your own links. Believe me you will get best of the best exposure towards your each posts.
2# LinkedIn Groups:
Same as facebook, LinkedIn also allow it’s users to create and join groups. It’ll be tough to share your content all the time on each places, but do share your best posts in LinkedIn groups.Points to be notice here:
- LinkedIn is full of professionals. If you share outdated or non valuable content there, then sorry to say, LinkedIn groups are not for you.
- Being a group member, you must care about your activeness in the
group. Don’t be hungry only to share your articles. Give value to
other’s content and help them to get shared their submitted posts. Try
to make a bond with them. You’ll be notice as a valuable group member
and other members will love to read and share your content with their
social friends
- Bonus Tip: Add members from UK, US in your group if you wanna attract traffic from these countries.
3# Google Plus Communities
Almost we all have our G+ profile and Google plus page of our blog. Right?But sharing with circle friends and page followers is not the best use of Google Plus for blog posts promotion. As facebook and linkedIn groups, there are many communities on Google Plus. Make use of those communities in following way:
- Join Google Plus communities where there is your targeted audience.
- Start hitting +1 button on their posts, comment on them and appreciate their content.
- Keep patience to share your own posts, first make a friendly relationship with other members.
- Once you do follow these three steps, soon your name will be notice by other members. And this should be your goal. Grab their attention and prove that you are not there only to spam community with your own links.
- Once you feel that you have made a solid presence in those communities, it’s time to share your posts links.
- Share your article’s links, add attractive description and use #HashTags.
- Get dofollow backlinks
- +1’s to your posts
- Targeted readers
- Comments on posts
- And many other benefits.
4# Blog Communities
Blog communities are the best places of active and targeted audience. As same as above places, you have to be active in blog communities too to get impressive results.Below I’m listing few best communities and places for bloggers that are truly worth using for blog posts sharing.
- IndiBlogger (For Indian Bloggers only)
- Bizsugar
- Blokube
- BlogEngage
- Triberr
You must take care about your activities you do there in terms to get your posts vital. For best of the best results, perform below steps:
- Register for an account.
- Log in to your account and fill all of your profile information.
- When you are ready with the basic things, it’s time to submit links. But wait, some communities set moderation on the submitted links. To get easy approval you have to be smart there. For first time submission, do submit a post of any big blog. It’ll help you to get instant approval on your submitted links. Once your submissions start getting approval, do submit your own links.
- Vote for other’s post, build relationship and get votes to your own posts.
- Maximum votes will bring your posts to the homepage of these
communities, means your posts will be shown to a wider audience. Hence
more free and targeted traffic to your blog.
At last I just wanna say that try your own ideas to promote your blog but never ignore the working ideas tested and shared by PRO-Bloggers to be a successful blogger. I’m also learning from my Gurus and that’s why I shared my experience with you guys.Now it’s your turn. Share your own experience with me.
- How you do promote your articles?
- Where you do sharing for your blog posts to get traffic?
- Where from you get most exposure to your blog?